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Build Partnerships

You may well need some help getting your concept to market. Build the Partnerships you’ll need now.


Suggested Time

60 Minutes

Level of Difficulty


Materials Needed

Pens, Post-its, paper


Design team, key partners and stakeholders

Process Phase

As you move through the Implementation Phase you may realize that you’ll need to rely on a variety of partners. You can identify the funding partners you’ll need by using the Funding Strategy and Sustainable Revenue methods. And you can use the Business Model Canvas and Capabilities Quicksheet to see the big picture of getting your idea off the ground. The key idea here is identifying the kinds of partners you’ll need, and starting to build relationships with them.


  1. Get your design team together with other key stakeholders and partners. Ideally these same people will have worked on your Roadmap, Funding Strategy, and Sustainable Revenue.
  2.  Start with a Brainstorm around what your primary partnership needs are. Maybe you need greater access to the press, maybe you need to raise money. Determine what you need.
  3.  Next, take those key partnership needs and have another Brainstorm around who you know already and who you can reach out to in your greater network.  
  4.  Though you’ll want to remain flexible, you’ll also want to start to set parameters around what you need from your partners. Figure out when you’ll need each one, how much you can reasonably ask of them, and what kind of deadlines to set around your ask.