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Capabilities Quicksheet

You’ve got a great solution, but what is it going to take to execute it? The team you’ve currently got may not be enough.


Suggested Time

60 Minutes

Level of Difficulty


Materials Needed

Pens, Post-its, paper


Design team

Process Phase

Devising an innovative solution and putting it into practice are two different propositions. This method will help you understand the feasibility of your solution and help you understand where your organization will have to seek help. It makes sense to do this exercise in conjunction with Staff Your Project and Roadmap for Success. Taken as a whole, these three methods will help point you toward the practical implementation of your work.


  1. The main elements of implementation that you’ll want to understand are the distribution of your solution, the partners you might need, and the capabilities necessary to execute. Your latest Business Model Canvas should have some of these answers.
  2. Now put “Distribution,” “Capabilities,” and “Partners” on big sheets of paper and post them. Have a Brainstorm about what needs to happen for each category. List what you’ve already got and what you’ll need. For example, under Distribution, perhaps you need to source, store, and distribute a product to your audience. There are many smaller steps within each of these large categories that should emerge through this Brainstorm.
  3. As you look at all your ideas after the Brainstorm, start to group needs based on actors in the room, and then include a category for needs that are out of the scope of the team. Will you have to form new relationships or can you leverage existing ones? Will you need to manufacture abroad, or can you do it locally?
  4. Look at how you plan to Staff Your Project. Do you need additional or more specialized support after assessing your capabilities? Consider these in your Roadmap for Success which is the next step to move onto.