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Co-Creation Session

The people you’re designing for can tell you plenty, and they can show you more. Here’s how to further incorporate them into your design process.


Suggested Time

1-3 Hours

Level of Difficulty


Materials Needed

Pens, Post-its, paper, a place to meet


Design team, community members, partners

Process Phase

You’ll be talking with loads of people over the course of your project, and a Co-Creation Session is a great way to get feedback on your ideas. The purpose of a Co-Creation Session is to convene a group of people you’re designing for and then bring them into the design process. You’re not just hearing their voices, you’re empowering them to make alongside you. You can co-create services, investigate how communities work, understand how to name your solution, or what its logo should look like. Not only is a community far more likely to adopt a practice or service that it helped create, but you’ll also gain valuable insight into all facets of your solution.


  1. The first step is to identify who you want in your Co-Creation Session. Perhaps it’s a handful of people you’ve already interviewed. Maybe it’s a particular demographic like teens or female farmers or people without jobs.
  2. Once you know who you want, arrange a space, get the necessary supplies (often pens, Post-its, paper, maybe art supplies), and invite them to join.
  3. Make the most of a Co-Creation Session with Conversation Starters, a Brainstorm, Role Plays, Rapid Prototyping, or other activities to get your group engaged around the problem you’re looking to solve.
  4. Capture the feedback your group gives you. The goal here isn’t just to hear from people, it’s to invite them into your design team. Make sure that you’re treating your Co-Creation as designers, not as interview subjects.
