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Explore Your Hunch

A huge part of human-centered design is following your nose. If you’ve got a feeling about something, give yourself a chance to explore it.


Suggested Time

30-60 Minutes

Level of Difficulty


Materials Needed

It depends, but pens, Post-its, and paper are a start


Design team

Process Phase

Human-centered design is an inherently intuitive process. And though a lot of the methodology is about arriving at new ideas you’d never dreamed of, you should always feel like you have the space to explore a hunch. It could be an idea you had before the project started, or one that cropped up as you’ve been working. Either way, there are lots of ways to test your hunch, and you’re destined to learn something when you do.


  1. There are lots of ways to explore your hunch. You could run a quick Brainstorm. Or build a prototype. Or maybe run your idea past someone in an Expert Interview.
  2. Start by articulating your hunch to your team members and get their feedback. It could be that one of them is thinking along the same lines.
  3. Next, determine the best way to explore the idea. What do you need to uncover and understand to validate or disprove your idea?
  4. Remember that even if your hunch is wrong, there are still lots of learnings to be had. Make sure that you’re open to them and are capturing them as you go along.