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Get Feedback

You’ve learned and built. Now share what you’ve made with the people you’re designing for and see what they think.


Suggested Time

60-90 Minutes

Level of Difficulty


Materials Needed

Pens, paper, your prototype


Design team, people you're designing for

Process Phase

Soliciting feedback on your ideas and prototypes is a core element of the Ideation Phase, and it helps keep the people you’re designing for at the center of your project. It’s also a direct path to designing something that those same people will adopt. If the point of a prototype is to test an idea, then collecting feedback from potential users is what pushes things forward.


  1. Now that you’ve got a prototype to share, get it in front of the people you’re designing for. There are lots of ways to do it: Reconvene a Group Interview, intercept people in markets for Interviews, do another Expert Interview with your prototype, or perhaps run a Co-Creation Session designed to solicit feedback.
  2. Capturing honest feedback is crucial. People may praise your prototype to be nice, so assure them that this is only a tool by which to learn and that you welcome honest, even negative feedback.
  3. Share with lots of people so that you get a variety of reactions. Refer back to Extremes and Mainstreams to make sure you’re capturing a cross section of potential users.
  4. Write down the feedback you hear and use this opportunity with the people you’re designing for to ask more questions and push your ideas further.