Power Mapping

A tool for reflecting on power and how it should be shared across stakeholders.


Suggested Time

45 Minutes

Level of Difficulty


Materials Needed

Laptops or pens, and Post-its


Design team

Process Phase


It’s important to understand how different types of power exist amongst the stakeholders of a project. Some aspects of power should be held by those closest to the problem, and where it is not then it should be redistributed. Power Mapping can help you explore these dynamics. This tool encourages self-reflection and collective action; once you’re aware of how power shows up on your project, you can take initiative to redistribute it.


  1. Find time for the team to gather and move through the Power Mapping worksheet and reflection prompts.
  2. Begin by reviewing your project brief and who are the key stakeholders and their roles on the project.
  3. Then move to reviewing the ‘power tokens’. Consider which kinds of power may be relevant or necessary (especially in relation to this project) and add them to your team list.
  4. Next, map the listed power tokens to the project stakeholders. Begin to note who holds which kinds of power, and more or less power, and reflect on why.
  5. End the activity with silent reflection and group discussion about how and why to redistribute power to end-users, participants, and community members directly impacted by the project. You can also have a conversation as a team about how to bridge this with existing power-holders.