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Journey Map

A Journey Map allows you to identify and strategize for key moments in the product, experience, or service you’re designing.


Suggested Time

30-60 Minutes

Level of Difficulty


Materials Needed

Pens, paper, Post-its, markers


Design team, key stakeholders, partners (optional)

Process Phase

This simple framework can help you think through key moments for your customer as they experience your solution. Consider how your customer first becomes aware of your solution, how they make a decision to try it, what their first interaction and engagement is like, how they might become a repeat user, and how the solution might ultimately impact their life. As a customer begins to benefit from your idea, how could they tell other people about it? A Journey Map should help you to visualize a customer’s experience from beginning to end.


  1. Start with a seed idea of what your solution could be—maybe one that you sketched on a Post-it during a Brainstorm or an idea that emerged from an early, rough prototype you're looking to explore further.
  2. Start by writing a simple 1-2 word headline of the most core moment(s) of engagement for your user on a Post-it. This doesn’t need to be a detailed representation—the way you might build out a Storyboard—but rather a snapshot. An example might be: First exposure to the product.
  3. Now, write down the name of any other key moments on separate Post-its. Think about other people or factors that have an influence on the user here. You identified a bunch of these in the Define Your Audience activity, when you mapped the ecosystem around the user. The number of touchpoints you identify may vary from concept to concept, but try to focus on no more than 3-5. Consider what might be most critical to the person you're designing for.
  4. Place the Post-its in an order you think your user would likely experience them, and evolve your original Journey Map as helpful by adding, removing, reordering, and revising the key moments.
  5. Later, you can use this Journey Map as a starting point to help Determine What to Prototype or inform a more descriptive Storyboard or start to build out a Role Play.